Joanne Huff

Photo of joanne.huff
Job Title: Library Technical Assistant
Education: B.B.A.
Office: LRTC-102
Phone: (580) 477-7948
Role: Staff
Education Level: B.B.A.


Educational background: Bachelor of Science, Business Admin - Cameron University; Library Tech Assistant - Rose State; Associates of Science, Business Admin - WOSC; Associates of Applied Science, Computer Software - WOSC



Joanne began working full time as a Library Clerk in September 1996. She advanced to the position of Library Technical Assistant in July 2002. She worked part time in the LRC Computer lab for two years prior to that time. Joanne spent nearly 20 years previous to working in the LRC, serving the public in various potions within the Altus community.

Joanne has an Associates of Science in Business Administration and an Associates of Applied Science in Computer Software from WOSC. She completed her Associates of Applied Science degree in Library Technical Assistant from Rose State College in December 2001. Joanne acquired a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Cameron in May 2013. Joanne has been a member of the Oklahoma Library Association since 1999 and has been involved with the OLA membership committee, support staff roundtable, and the University and College division. Joanne was also a participant in the OLA Gold Leadership Institute in November 2013.

Joanne’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to managing the Library Automation System, class/student orientations, Bindery, Serials Management, Statistics, overseeing the shifting of the collection and shelf reading, balancing the budget, collection development suggestions, and Inventory. She is also instrumental in training new employees.

Joanne enjoys working with the public and being able to help people. She also enjoys the vast array of information and knowledge that can be found in the LRC. If someone is looking for an item or information, Joanne will be happy to help patrons find what they are looking for.



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    Western Oklahoma State College, established as Altus Junior College in 1926, is the oldest original municipal two-year college still in existence in Oklahoma...
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    Western Oklahoma State College aspires to be the outstanding and innovative community college known for its focus on student success and its service to community and regional development.
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    The mission of Western Oklahoma State College is to provide high quality education while ensuring equity, supporting student success, and empowering individuals to become productive members of diverse local, regional, and global communities.