Frequently Asked Questions
I made some poor grades in the past that are hurting my current transcript. Does Western offer any academic forgiveness?
Yes, Western offers 3 types of academic forgiveness within our academic policies.
Repeat policy – students may repeat the same course, up to four (4) times, and have the best grade counted toward their GPA. Any additional attempts of the same course after 4 will count in the GPA calculations. There is no limit on the number of courses a student may repeat. You do not need to do anything to request this academic forgiveness provision; it is automatically applied to your transcript.
Academic Reprieve* – a reprieve allows a student to forgive one or two consecutive semesters from their past academic performance from their GPA. See the Academic Forgiveness form for more information on the requirements for a reprieve.
Academic Renewal* - a renewal allows a student forgiveness for all academic coursework prior to a given date. A minimum of 3 years must have passed since the date forgiveness can be granted. See the Academic Forgiveness form for more information and the full requirements for a renewal.
*students are allowed only one reprieve or renewal during their academic career
I am classified as an out-of-state student. Can I qualify for reclassification to in-state status?
Western complies with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education policy 3.18 and Oklahoma state statute for classification of students as In-State or Out-of-State status.
In general, In-State status is determined by the following guidelines:
- A student who graduated from an Oklahoma high school and has resided in the state for 2 years prior is classified as in-state;
- An individual who has lived and worked in Oklahoma for a period of one year, not attending school more than half-time, is classified as in-state;
- An individual who marries a person with in-state status can be immediately classified as in-state;
- Dependent students are considered in-state if their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) are Oklahoma residents;
- Permanent Residents who have resided in Oklahoma for 12 months, not primarily as a student, who have established domicile are considered in-state;
- Military and Uniformed Services personnel who are stationed in Oklahoma for 30 days or longer, have been recently discharged from active duty (in the last 90 days), or for whom Oklahoma is their home of record are classified as in-state. This includes dependent children and/or spouses;
- Students receiving Veteran Educational Benefits (Chapters 30, 33, 0r 35) are considered in-state;
- Students in the military reserves who are currently serving on full-time active duty for more than 30 days and for whom Oklahoma is the home of record are classified for in-state status.
- Students who have been given Special Student Relief by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security or Temporary Protected Status by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services can be classified as in-state;
- Undocumented students who graduated from an Oklahoma high school, who lived in Oklahoma for the 2 years prior, and provides the institution who has applied or files an affidavit of intent to apply to legalize their immigration status may be classified as in-state;
- An individual who has come to Oklahoma to practice a profession on a full-time basis shall be immediately classified as in-state status, along with their spouse and dependents, so long as they continue full-time employment for 12 months;
- An individual is not deemed to have acquired in-state status until he or she has been in the state for at least a year primarily as a permanent resident and not primarily as a student and has established domicile. A student who has been primarily in attendance at a college more than half-time since moving to Oklahoma does not establish in-state status. Similarly, paying taxes in the state of Oklahoma does not establish in-state status;
- Students may petition for reclassification at any point once they have established domicile.
If a student believes he or she has been misclassified, they may petition the Office of the Registrar for reclassification by completing the Petition for In-State Resident Status form and submitting the requested documents as evidence of residency.
- Course Equivalency Guide (OSRHE Matrix)
- Military Transcripts Joint Service Transcript (JST).
- GPA Calculator (The following GPA Calculator is a useful tool provided by an outside source. Western is not responsible for the content within this site. The GPA information is only as accurate as the information provided by the student.)
What is Western Oklahoma State College?
Western Oklahoma State College, established as Altus Junior College in 1926, is the oldest original municipal two-year college still in existence in Oklahoma...
[About WOSC]Vision
Western Oklahoma State College aspires to be the outstanding and innovative community college known for its focus on student success and its service to community and regional development.Mission
The mission of Western Oklahoma State College is to provide high quality education while ensuring equity, supporting student success, and empowering individuals to become productive members of diverse local, regional, and global communities.