Military Students
Western Oklahoma State College is committed to the academic success of the men and women currently serving in the United States Armed Forces and those who have served in the past. Our campus employs numerous professionals who are dedicated to supporting student success. We are dedicated to empowering our students with the tools needed to become productive members of their communities.
AAFB Outreach (AAFB Liasion)
Western maintains a Liaison office on Altus Air Force Base to serve as a convenience for our active duty students.
AAFB Liaison Office Location
AAFB Building 87 – Room 236
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 0900 - 1500
Our AAFB Liaison can assist with everything from applying to Western, degree program information, assistance with enrollment, and more.
Education Programs
Service members are encouraged to speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) and with an academic advisor at Western to determine the best academic courses or programs to meet their educational goals, whether it be a degree through Western or to take courses for transfer to the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) or another institution. Academic advisors can also help you determine how your previous courses taken can transfer to Western toward a degree program.
Tuition Assistance
Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is a benefit that offers financial support for service members to eligible students. TA can pay up to 100% of your tuition and may cover some course-specific fees. Textbooks are generally not covered. TA is paid directly to your institution to cover your tuition while you are on active duty.
Each service branch has specific criteria for eligibility and processes for obtaining TA. Contact your Education Center for your installation (or virtual Education Center) to learn more about TA.
Note: Military TA is awarded to a student under the assumption the student will attend the entire course for which TA is awarded. If/when a student withdraws from a course, the student may not be eligible for the full TA amount and may need to return a prorated portion of the unearned funds. In instances where a student cannot complete a course due to a service-related obligation, the institution will work with the student to identify a solution.
Other Financial Resources
Service Members are also encouraged to apply for Federal Student Aid to determine if they are eligible for federal financial aid.
Western also offers a variety of scholarships and tuition waivers through the institution’s annual Scholarship Application process.
MyCAA for Military Spouses is a scholarship for eligible military spouses toward an educational program.
Credit for Military Education/Transfer of Credits to Western
Western awards credit for military education and training as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE). Coursework listed on a Joint Services Transcript (JST) will be evaluated and applied as prior learning credit, where appropriate to your degree program.
All Community College of the Air Force (CCAS) credit will be accepted and transcribed to your Western transcript.
Military Leave of Absence policy
As an institution, Western understands there may be times when duty calls and active duty students are required to deploy or are called to duty or training off-sire. When possible, instructors will work diligently with students and devise a plan that will allow for course completion. If this is not an option, students may provide a copy of their orders for deployment to the Academic Dean’s Office in order to be withdrawn from the course(s) without penalty.
Members of the US Armed Forces that have been forced to place their education on hold due to service-related obligations are eligible to return as students if they left the college in good standing.
Recruiting, Marketing, & Advertising
Western does not utilize fraudulent, deceptive, or aggressive/high-pressure recruiting practices targeting service members or their dependents. Western is committed to transparency and ethical recruitment, marketing, and advertising practices when recruiting all students, including military students. No employee at Western receives any commission, bonus, or other incentive for recruiting military students or student veterans.
FAQs for Military Students
What should be my first step in the enrollment process?
Perspective students should first speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor prior to enrolling in the institution. The ESO or counselor will provide guidance regarding courses needed to obtain a Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) degree as well as information pertaining to tuition assistance.
What textbook do I need?
A current list of textbooks required for WOSC courses can be found HERE.
Where do I get my textbook?
Western has partnered with an online textbook retailer, TextbookX, to obtain your textbooks, however, Western students may obtain their textbooks from any source.
Many Western courses utilize Open Education Resources (OER) textbooks, which are free or very low cost to students.
What happens if I receive orders during the semester?
Western Oklahoma State College is committed to the academic success of the men and women serving in the United States Armed Forces. As an institution, Western understands there may be times when duty calls and students are required to engage in extensive training or full deployment. When possible, instructors will work diligently with students and devise a plan that will allow for course completion. If this is not an option, students may provide a copy of his or her orders for deployment to the Altus Air Force Base Liaison in order to be withdrawn from the course(s) without penalty.
How does a Western degree plan fit with pursuit of the CCAF degree?
It is possible to work toward a Western degree plan and allow the courses that are taken for the Western degree to also fill requirements for the CCAF. This can be done provided that the student pursues them both at the same time. See your academic advisor or the AAFB Liaison for more information.
Will the courses that I take at Western transfer to another institution?
Western is fully accredited with the Higher Learning Commission, an accrediting agency that is recognized across the U.S. and abroad. While this means that Western’s courses meet the rigor required to transfer to another institution, it is ultimately the prerogative of the receiving institution to set the terms for transferring in courses.
Where do I take my CLEP or DSST exams?
CLEP and DSST exams are offered by the Testing Center on Western’s campus. Tests can be scheduled by calling 477-7921 or by emailing testing.center@wosc.edu. Information regarding what exams are offered can be found HERE. Study materials can be found on Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC) under the tab, "Study Guides".