Western provides academic peer tutoring in the Tutoring Center, located in A4, for students experiencing academic difficulty. As a general rule, tutors are students who have completed the course with an A or B, have been recommended by the course instructor, or excel in that particular subject area.
Peer tutoring is a free service to Western's students. Students may request a tutor in a variety of areas through the Advising & Retention Specialist, Katelynn Thompson. Please contact her at (580) 477-7741 or email her at katelynn.thompson@wosc.edu. Please note, although every effort is made to find a qualified tutor, it may not be possible to fill every request due to scheduling and qualifications.
Tutoring schedules will change every semester, as well as the tutors available. Currently we offer peer tutors in Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, Math (all), and Reading.
WINDS offers free tutoring through our professional tutors. Tutors are available for students use. The subjects they cover are English, mathematics, reading and speech. The tutoring lab is set up on a walk-in basis for SSS members. Tutor’s hours are posted each semester on the lab door.
In additon to peer tutoring, Western provides a FREE online tutoring service through Tutor.com. This service is for current Western students, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The tutors are tutors in real time, and available at ANY time of the day or night when you may need additonal help.
To access the Tutor.com services, students must log into their Canvas account, and click on the Student Resources card on the dashboard. Then, pick the subject of interest, chose your tutoring preference (such as video chat) and begin. You can save your favorite tutor as well!
What is Western Oklahoma State College?
Western Oklahoma State College, established as Altus Junior College in 1926, is the oldest original municipal two-year college still in existence in Oklahoma...
[About WOSC]Vision
Western Oklahoma State College aspires to be the outstanding and innovative community college known for its focus on student success and its service to community and regional development.Mission
The mission of Western Oklahoma State College is to provide high quality education while ensuring equity, supporting student success, and empowering individuals to become productive members of diverse local, regional, and global communities.