
Southwestern TANF Education Navigator Partnership

Southwestern TANF Education Navigator is an employment training program offering single parents and couples experiencing unemployment or under-employment an opportunity to obtain a high school equivalency diploma (GED/HiSET) or a college degree at Western. 

This partnership offers an academic adviser, extensive tutoring resources, job readiness, job search assistance, career counseling, financial assistance including financial needs beyond school expenses, transportation assistance, child care assistance, and more. Students are also able to participate in internships and experience structured job searches resulting in full-time employment.

The Education Navigator has the resources for participants to prepare for and complete the high school equivalency tests in as little as 6 weeks and up to one year.  We provide specific test prep that is designed for testing success. Students have up to 30 hours a week of study time in the classroom with a qualified instructor. 

Our job is to assist students in breaking the cycle of poverty and help students become self-sufficient by reaching educational goals and obtaining sustainable full-time employment.  Students participating in this partnership receive monetary compensation for attendance and grades in addition to other financial assistance.

Students must meet eligibility requirements through DHS. For more information contact DHS at 580.480.3400. 


Our mission is to empower individuals to break free from the barrier of unemployment and underemployment by providing the tools and support necessary to achieve a high school equivalency diploma or a college degree. Through personalized guidance and targeted resources, we help participants build confidence, gain self-sufficiency, and become thriving contributors to the workforce. Together, we are transforming lives, strengthening communities, and fostering a future of opportunity and growth. 


What is Western Oklahoma State College?

  • About

    Western Oklahoma State College, established as Altus Junior College in 1926, is the oldest original municipal two-year college still in existence in Oklahoma...
    [About WOSC]
  • Vision

    Western Oklahoma State College aspires to be the outstanding and innovative community college known for its focus on student success and its service to community and regional development.
  • Mission

    The mission of Western Oklahoma State College is to provide high quality education while ensuring equity, supporting student success, and empowering individuals to become productive members of diverse local, regional, and global communities.