2024-2025 Ambassadors
What is a Western Ambassador?
The Western Oklahoma State College student Ambassador program was established in 2001. They are under the official sponsorship of the president of the college. Their mission is to promote the college through a variety of speaking engagements and special events. Western Ambassadors personally benefit by gaining leadership and public speaking training and experiences. [Learn More...]
Helpful Links:
Meet the Ambassadors!

High School:
Quannah High School
Activities at Western:
Baptist Collegiate Ministries and Green and Gold Co
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
Find your people! College is an amazing opportunity to meet new people so make the most of it!
Favorite Memory of Western:
Going to BCM! I formed amazing friendships with people who brought me closer to Christ, and attending BCM allowed me to meet new people and get involved at Western on a whole new level! Wednesday nights are a highlight in my week.

High School:
Duke High School
Activities at Western:
Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Baptist Collegiate Ministries
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
College is what you make it, go make new friends and be involved with as much as you can!
Favorite Memory of Western:
My favorite memory of Western is all of the welcome week events because i met so many new people.

High School:
Frederick High School
Liberal Arts/ Pre-Education
Activities at Western:
Hispanic Student Association and Pioneer Point worker
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
Join organizations, do your work and enjoy college!!
Favorite Memory of Western:
My favorite memory from Western has to be homecoming/ casino night, because it was such a fun night and I got to be a part of the homecoming court!

High School:
Altus High School
Ag Communications
Activities at Western:
Ag Ambassador, Shooting Team, Baptist Collegiate Ministries, and Collegiate Cattle Association
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
College is what you make it! Get involved, join organizations, ask questions!
Favorite Memory of Western:
My favorite memory from Western is being involved in the shooting team and going to BCM events. These groups have allowed me to grow in the things I am passionate about while also making new friends from all over the world, who have become like family to me!

High School:
Frederick High School
Behavioral Science
Activities at Western:
Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Baptist Collegiate Ministries
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
Don’t take your college experience for granted, Everyday is a day to improve on yesterday
Favorite Memory of Western:
Serving Altus Christian Academy FCA alongside fellow believers and hearing how God is working in other Christians’ lives

High School:
Granite High School
Activities at Western:
Rotaract President, Student Senate Vice President, Cheerleader, and member of PTK and Baptist Collegiate Ministries.
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
Come to the events hosted on campus; the more you involve yourself with other students, activities, and organizations, the better your experience at Western will be! Communicate with your professors and don't procrastinate!
Favorite Memory of Western:
My favorite memory of Western is the Scooterball tournament that happened last year! It was so much fun and everyone was really competitive.

High School:
Navajo High School
Activities at Western:
Nursing Club
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
Learn good time management. Not procrastinating can allow you more time for other things like family, friends, and student activities!
Favorite Memory of Western:
My favorite memory at western is attending the president's excellence awards luncheon . It was such a great experience to hear how much the staff and faculty care about the students through their own experiences and stories.

High School:
Hollis High School
Liberal Arts
Activities at Western:
Science Club and WINDS
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
Don’t be afraid to meet new people! Going to events held on campus is an amazing way to make new friends!
Favorite Memory of Western:
All of the memories that I have with the ambassador team. From weekly meetings to our retreat in the beginning of the year, they have truly became a second family to me.

High School:
Frederick High School
Activities at Western:
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
Don’t be afraid to be uncomfortable, get involved. These can be some of the best years of your life so enjoy it!
Favorite Memory of Western:
My favorite memory was Bowling night during Welcome Week, I made a lot of new friends that week.

High School:
Weatherford High School
Plant & Soil Sciences
Activities at Western:
Cheerleader, Agronomy Club President, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
Go get involved! The best way to get involved is to hangout around the college in your free time. The relationships you build today, are your connections for tomorrow!
Favorite Memory of Western:
My favorite memories are in my plant science classes. We will plan a field trial for our labs with our professor, Gary Strickland. On lab day, we will all pile into one pickup and head out to the field. It is always fun and of course we have to stop at sonic before we make our way back to the college.

High School:
Lookeba-Sickles High School
Liberal Arts / Business
Activities at Western:
Baptist Collegiate Ministries, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Lady Pioneer Basketball
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
Take advantage of the opportunity to make new friends at Western. Be involved as much as you can during the short amount of time you have here.
Favorite Memory of Western:
Bingo night! Who knew bingo could be so competitive? I also had so much fun at the FCA Rally!

High School:
Mangum High School
Activities at Western:
Baptist Collegiate Ministries, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Rotaract.
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Make the most out of college!
Favorite Memory of Western:
My favorite memory was recruiting prospective students at the college fairs in Lawton and here on campus!

High School:
Blair High School
Activities at Western:
Shooting Sports, Baptist Collegiate Ministries, Phi Theta Kappa, and Science Club
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
My advice to incoming freshmen would be to meet as many new people as possible at Western, the more people you meet the more memorable your college experience will be
Favorite Memory of Western:
My favorite memory is the time spent at shooting competitions with the shooting sports team. From the drive to the competition to the memories made in our hotel we are sure to always have fun.

High School:
Hammon High School
Activities at Western:
Baptist Collegiate Ministries, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Lady Pioneer Softball
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
Be involved! College is what you make it! Enjoy the short amount of time you have!
Favorite Memory of Western:
My favorite memory in college is pulling an all nighter at Beavers Bend with the WOSC Ambassadors!!

High School:
Cordell High School
Ag Business
Activities at Western:
WOSC Shooting Team
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
Stay active at PioneerPoint
Favorite Memory of Western:
Playing scooterball with the ambassador team

High School:
Altus High School
Activities at Western:
Baptist Collegiate Ministries and Peer Tutor
Advice for Incoming Freshman:
Find something you love doing and immerse yourself in it, stay involved and get on top of your homework as soon as possible.
Favorite Memory of Western:
My favorite memory of Western was finding out I got into nursing school. It was something I have prepared for since I was little, so it felt good to have all of my hard work finally pay off.
What is Western Oklahoma State College?
Western Oklahoma State College, established as Altus Junior College in 1926, is the oldest original municipal two-year college still in existence in Oklahoma...
[About WOSC]Vision
Western Oklahoma State College aspires to be the outstanding and innovative community college known for its focus on student success and its service to community and regional development.Mission
The mission of Western Oklahoma State College is to provide high quality education while ensuring equity, supporting student success, and empowering individuals to become productive members of diverse local, regional, and global communities.