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AP Exams Information

Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Information

Taking AP courses and exams can provide you with a recognized academic credential. Most colleges and universities in the United States grant credit and placement for qualifying AP scores. Each college and university makes its own decisions about awarding credit and placement.

Western Oklahoma State College awards college credit to students who have successfully met score requirements on AP exams. High school counselors assist high school students in making arrangements to take AP exams. The AP exams are NOT administered at Western.

AP Grade Reports are sent in July to:

  1. the single college or university that you designated on your answer sheet;
  2. you; 
  3. your high school

Each report is cumulative and includes grades for all the AP exams you have ever taken. Grade reports can be sent to additional colleges or universities for a fee by calling (888) 308-0013.


  • Western does not grant credit for all exams. To see the AP course equivalencies at Western:

AP course equivalencies

  • Twelve (12) credit hours must be completed and earned at Western before AP exams are entered on your transcript and used for your degree.
  • Courses passed by any of these AP tests will be recorded as "Satisfactory" on the transcript with a letter "S".

Visit the Advanced Placemnent website at

Questions concerning the AP Program should be sent to College Board Advanced Placement Examinations, PO Box 592, Princeton, NJ 08540.




What is Western Oklahoma State College?

  • About

    Western Oklahoma State College, established as Altus Junior College in 1926, is the oldest original municipal two-year college still in existence in Oklahoma...
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    Western Oklahoma State College aspires to be the outstanding and innovative community college known for its focus on student success and its service to community and regional development.
  • Mission

    The mission of Western Oklahoma State College is to provide high quality education while ensuring equity, supporting student success, and empowering individuals to become productive members of diverse local, regional, and global communities.

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