


The ACCUPLACER Placement Tests assess students' skill levels in the areas of reading comprehension, writing, and mathematics. ACCUPLACER tests help identify your knowledge, strengths, and needs in math, reading, and writing. Along with information about your background, goals, and interests, your ACCUPLACER results help you choose courses that match your skill level and give you the best opportunity for success.  

The need for placement testing is based on ACT and SAT scores. If the student has an individual score of 19 or above in the areas of Reading, Writing, Math, and Science, students do not need to take the ACCUPLACER placement exams. If the ACT scores are below 19, only placement exams are needed in the area that has a score below 19. If the SAT is below 510 in math or below 510 in reading and writing, placement will be required  in the areas that score below those minimum requirements.

All ACCUPLACER exams use a multiple choice format, except for Writeplacer. There is no time limit, so you can focus on doing your best to demonstrate your ability and work at a pace that is comfortable for you. Writeplace uses artificial intelligence to grade a short essay you develop from a topic that is given to you.

ACCUPLACER uses the latest computer-adaptive technology and the questions you see are based on your skill level. Your response drives the difficulty level of the next question so it is very important to give each question as much thought as you can before selecting your answer.

  • The number of questions differ from test to test. You may see as few as 20 but as many as 40.

  • No one passes or fails the ACCUPLACER test. However, it is very important to complete the test using your best effort so you and Western can have an accurate measure of your academic skills.

Course placement is based on the following cut scores for Western:






ENGL 1113 English Composition I



ENGL 0123 English Fundamentals/Integrated Review





246 or higher

No developmental reading required



READ 0113 Reading Fundamentals





QRAS 276 & AAF 263

No developmental math required


QRAS 250-275

Integrated Review


QRAS 0-249

Math Fundamentals



Quantitative Reasoning Algebra and Statistics



Advanced Algebra and Functions




ESL Writing

83 or higher

Accuplacer Writing Test



ESL Writing 2



ESL Writing 1




ESL Reading

83 or higher

Accuplacer Reading Test



ESL Reading 2



ESL Reading 1


Students testing to determine course placement may test as many times as they choose.

  • There will be a $15 retest fee per subject.

  • The highest placement score earned will be honored.

  • Students will check in at the Testing Center to begin the process. Students will be required to pay the Business Office and bring proof of payment (receipt), along with a photo ID, to the Testing Center.


There is no charge for the first initial placement test. However, each re-test will be $15.


The ACCUPLACER exams are given by appointment. Contact the Testing Center at (580) 477-7921 or by emailing to schedule an appointment.





Sample questions for the exams are located on the ACCUPLACER website. The questions will illustrate the same types of questions on the placement tests. There are also some test taking tips and strategies available.

The sample questions may be located by clicking on the following link:


WritePlacer sample questions may be located by clicking on the following linkL



What is Western Oklahoma State College?

  • About

    Western Oklahoma State College, established as Altus Junior College in 1926, is the oldest original municipal two-year college still in existence in Oklahoma...
    [About WOSC]
  • Vision

    Western Oklahoma State College aspires to be the outstanding and innovative community college known for its focus on student success and its service to community and regional development.
  • Mission

    The mission of Western Oklahoma State College is to provide high quality education while ensuring equity, supporting student success, and empowering individuals to become productive members of diverse local, regional, and global communities.